
Avalon Kalin: Situationists

George Scheer and Avalon Kalin had a Q and A about the Situationists. Avalon previously ran a Situationists Book Club.



Joshua Cajinarobleto: DJ in the Livingroom

Joshua Cajinarobleto burned this CD based off of songs he found on old 45's in Elsewhere's Collection. He searched for songs from the records on youtube and other sites and compiled them onto one CD. He then gave a performance in the Living Room and miked the music onto the street.

Debbie and Michael: Mother and Son Artists

Debbie and Michael joined us live via Skype form Philidelphia. They are both creative types and talked about their practices.


Michael Gerald Bauer's collaborative project, facilitated and organized by Scott Rigby, Michael G. Bauer, Robert Summers and Adam Katz, Vagabondism - Transience as a Viable and Sustainable Creative Action, Historical Models and Resources is at The Public School.

Christopher Lineberry: Where's Waldo?

Graduating high school senior, Christopher Lineberry (congratulations!!), gave a lecture on the Where's Waldo Books.


Danna Rooth: Blindness

Danna Rooth talks about blindness, enlightening guests about her own experience as well as educating people about the visual condition.


Danna's well-loved childhood friend:


Adam Brody: Wikipedia Journey

Adam Brody lectured about the worm holes of Wikipedia and took us on a journey starting at Pterodactyl and ended up back at Pterodactyl by way of Jeff Goldblum.



Sarah Cox: Book Report

Sara Cox gave a book report!


Mark Jondahl: Good, Cheap Wine

Mark Jondahl delivered a talk and wine tasting activity via Skype from Portland, Oregon. The audience learned about wine tasting while sipping the same vintage of Columbia Crest (2006) as Mark.


Sandy Sampson: Generosity of Aesthetics

Sandy Sampson, of Parallel University, gave a lecture on the Generosity of Aesthetics via Skype from Portland, Oregon.



Steve Beatty: Materials Exploration Lecture

Post Lecture, the Audience is leaving, pleased.

Steve's Powerpoint Prez.

Kirsten Bauer: Catology

The Catology slideshow projected on the window.

Kirsten and friends immersed in cat whisker information.

Kirsten was kind enough to share her powerpoint with the folks from the Internet, so here it is for your viewing enjoyment.

Bobby Williams: Lectures about Stan Brakhage

Bobby, looking dapper

Some of the audience

Bobby Williams kindly gave an informative talk on Stan Brakhage.


Douglas Kelly

Douglas Kelly podcast. Headphones or speakers may improve the listening experience. Thank you Mark Jondahl for hosting this on your site. Thank you Douglas for being so gracious and interesting.


Paleo and Adam playing chess while Sarah Cox
commentates the play-by-play.


Paleo Performance

Paleo, David Andrew Strackany, has been traveling around the US performing and living in his car for the past 4.5 years. He played a show at the Green Bean the same night as Adam Brody and we met him there. Adam invited him to stay the night in Under Water World at Elsewhere. He was Living Room Lectures' first guest. Paleo played two songs and a couple of games of chess with Adam and then Steve. He won both games. Sarah Cox gave the play-by-play to the street.